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As the Managing Director of a business, focusing on the wellness and treatment of our clients is a key objective of ours is to help those who are lonely or suffering from mental health issues.

All of us, without exception, whatever our background, are likely to have an issue of this nature at some time in our lives and a recent BBC survey showed that 8% of adults in the UK (some 4.2 million people) are “always or often lonely”, and that 5% (some 2.6 Million people) had not left their home in the previous 7 days.

Another surprising outcome from the study by the BBC in which 55,000 took part, is that 40% of 16-24 year olds said they very often felt lonely compared with only 27% of over 75 year olds.

It is clear that the combination of less daylight in winter, Covid-19 required isolation and economic hardship resulting from a decline in the economic conditions, will mean a challenging year in 2021.

For those with underlying issues such as eating disorders or obsessive compulsive disorders the overall effects of loneliness, grief over unexpected bereavement, or post – traumatic stress can often exacerbate these symptoms leaving the individual feeling isolated and feeling unable to cope.

Many people suffer with problems caused by excessive drinking, the effects of domestic violence, or the effects of a long term illness such as cancer, heart disease or injury. Some people find their own way out of this situation by using work, hobbies, sport or other activities to distract them and overcome their anxiety or depression. For those who cannot we are here to listen and help.

Research shows that CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) is one of the most effective forms of treatment for those trying to cope with depression and anxiety.

This treatment which encourages and provides people with coping mechanisms can work alongside medication and is shown to be most effective when delivered in tranches of 5 to 15 sessions.

According to this study the treatment was found to be effective if given online with 86% of customers following the treatment.

At Connexus Health & Rehabilitation our qualified and experienced clinicians will assess your needs and will advise you how online or in person treatment will assist you.

An appointment with us for an initial triage assessment does not commit you in any way to a course of treatment.

If you’re struggling with mental health issues we can assist you and your children, and will ensure that the issue is approached with the care, urgency and sensitivity that the situation demands.

We are a private business and recognised by all leading health insurance providers and we can also offer discounts for treatment packages if booked in a block.

We are also able to see you quickly so even if you are waiting for treatment on the NHS we can assist you in the short term.

We offer an online service nationally but our offices in the centre of Warrington service all of Merseyside and Cheshire and there is plenty of free parking available.

Call us today without obligation on 0800 1963 688 to find out more or book an initial assessment here.

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