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An offshore medical certificate is a requirement for anyone who works in the OEUK (Offshore Energies UK) sector, formerly known as Oil and Gas UK. Once you complete a compulsory health assessment (also known as an OEUK Medical), you will get a certificate to prove you are medically fit to do your job. Our doctors are generally available to provide this on the day of assessment.

Employers in the industry will require you to provide them with an up-to-date offshore medical certificate to comply with OEUK health and safety guidelines. The assessment is designed to ensure that you, as an offshore energies worker, do not pose a risk to yourself or your employees. 

If you’re new to this sector, or need to renew your certificate (required at least every two years, depending on employer requirements), you must undergo an assessment conducted by an OEUK-registered doctor.

What does an offshore medical involve?

An offshore medical assessment involves a comprehensive series of tests to assess your overall health. 

It is important to know what happens during your exam. No one wants to fail their assessment and face delays in starting or returning to offshore work. 

What to know ahead of your appointment

On the day of the appointment, you will require:

  • Photo ID (passport or driver’s license)
  • Your current OEUK (or OGUK) certificate, if you have had a previous assessment
  • Glasses or contact lenses, if you wear them
  • A list of medications you take
  • The name of your employer (current or future) and job description
  • Your local doctor’s name and contact information

At your appointment

Your assessment will involve: 

  • A screening questionnaire, which involves a full medical history, medications and any visual or hearing issues.
  • Audiometry (hearing test): You will have a functional hearing test, if clinically indicated. This is not required for every assessment.
  • Urinalysis (urine test): The doctor may request a urine sample during your appointment. This is most likely required if you have a medical history of kidney damage or diabetes.
  • Visual tests: The examining doctor will assess your vision, both uncorrected and, if applicable, with the aid of the glasses or contact lenses you bring to your appointment. This includes testing near and far vision using a Snellen chart, also known as an eye chart, and the Sussex Vision Test for near vision. Additionally, the doctor will test your colour vision.
  • Height and weight: The doctor will record your height and BMI.
  • Appropriate clinical examination: This involves taking your blood pressure and measuring lung function. 

An offshore medical assessment takes around 45 minutes to complete.

How to renew an offshore medical certificate

Renewing an existing offshore medical certificate is as simple as booking in for an OEUK assessment. 

This will take a similar format to your last assessment, updated in accordance with the latest OEUK guidelines, the 7th edition of Medical Fitness for Offshore Work, released in May 2024.

If you are unsure whether you need to renew your certificate more frequently than the usual two-year period, check with your employer. Our offshore medical assessments are competitively-priced, starting from £195 for a standard OEUK Medical. 

What happens if I fail my offshore medical?

Failing an offshore medical assessment is disappointing. However, you still have several options. 

If your Offshore Medical appointment at Connexus Health indicates a health condition that you can get treated within a 30-day period, you can attend a free-of-charge follow-up appointment. This is a second change to qualify for your certificate. 

Under the latest 2024 OEUK guidelines, you have the option of a location-specific medical certificate, if you do not qualify for the standard one. As one of our OEUK-approved doctors Dr Saad Qazi explains, we provide this alternative certificate if a client has diabetes and requires insulin. Our clinician will contact the client’s employer to confirm there is access to medication (i.e. insulin) on-site. These certificates are only valid for the specific installation as agreed by the operator.

Additional offshore medical certificates

For any role in the offshore energies sector, you need a standard OEUK medical. Certain positions require further certification: for instance, physically-challenging roles, or if you are part of an Emergency Response Team (ERT) like fire-fighting.

Offshore Medical and Chester Step  

Physically-demanding jobs (for instance, working with heavy machinery, or if you are part of an emergency response team) typically require a Chester Step test.

The Chester Step Test is an aerobic fitness test that involves stepping on and off a 30-centimetre-high step at a set pace. The test monitors your heart rate continuously, and you will self-report your perceived level of exertion. It ends when you reach a moderately hard level of physical exertion (self-reported or when you reach 80% of your maximum heart rate). A Chester Step Test estimates your VO2 max score, indicating your aerobic fitness level and ability to meet the physical demands of offshore work. 

Offshore Medical and Fit to Train Certificate

Some offshore energies jobs require a Fit to Train Certificate, as well as the standard Offshore Medical. If you participate in in-water training with Compressed Air Emergency Breathing Systems (CA-EBS) or Passenger Short Term Air Supply System (PSTASS), you require this additional certification. 

We offer a range of competitively-priced Offshore Medical Certificates at Connexus Occupational Health, including OEUK Standard Medical; OEUK Medical & Fit to Train Certificate; and OEUK Medical Standard & Chester Step.

Book now via our simple online booking system or call 0808 1963 688.


This article was reviewed by Dr Saad Qazi, an occupational health doctor at Connexus Occupational Health.