Long Covid & the Road to Recovery Rehabilitation Long Covid & the Road to Recovery What is long covid? Long Covid is a term to describe the effects of Covid-19…Mike CuninkaApril 20, 2021
Webinar: Low value claims under the Civil Liability Act 2018 Rehabilitation Webinar: Low value claims under the Civil Liability Act 2018 In November 2020 The Connexus Group delivered a webinar in partnership with the MGAA that focussed on…Mike CuninkaDecember 3, 2020
What is Long Covid and where can you get help? Rehabilitation What is Long Covid and where can you get help? For most people, Covid-19 is a brief but manageable disease. Yet for some people, they…Mike CuninkaNovember 24, 2020
Connexus Health & Rehabilitation Is Open Rehabilitation Connexus Health & Rehabilitation Is Open Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Saturday evening, where new lockdown measures were announced we…Mike CuninkaNovember 2, 2020