At Connexus Occupational Health, we have in-house HSE Appointed Doctors, who are approved to carry out these medicals by the Health & Safety Executive.
**Please note this service is only available in our Warrington Clinic**
Keep your employees and business safe
The frequency of your medical depends on whether you undertake
Licensed or Notifiable Non-Licensed Work
Licensed work involves greater potential exposure to asbestos and so medicals for this type of work must be undertaken:
1. By an HSE appointed doctor,
2. Initially no more than two years before beginning exposure to asbestos, and then,
3. At least every 2 years while exposure continues.
As the potential asbestos exposure level is lower than in licensed work, these medicals must be undertaken at least every three years. These medicals can be undertaken:
1. By any GMC registered doctor with a license to practice,
2. Initially no more than three years before beginning exposure to asbestos, and then,
3. Periodically at least once every 3 years while exposure continues.
Certificates of fitness/unfitness for work with asbestos are not required under the Control of Asbestos Regulations.
For some conditions associated with licensed work, such as working in enclosures, wearing respiratory protective equipment (RPE) or working at height, fitness assessments may be required under other regulations, such as the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997.
In these circumstances, the employer should arrange a Fitness for Work examination in addition to the asbestos medical.
We can offer Fitness for Work assessments in addition to the Asbestos Medical (if required as per the risk assessment), for which a separate certificate will be provided.
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Connexus Health & Rehabilitation
850 Ibis Court
Centre Park