At Connexus Health & Rehabilitation we believe that physical and mental health go hand in hand, and that you cannot effectively treat one without taking the other into consideration.
The fact is we all experience both physical and mental health obstacles throughout our lifetime. In many instances one can have a knock on effect on the other. If you are injured and have to spend a long time at home to recover, this could also lead to mental health setbacks as you are not able to live your life in the way you are used to.
This is why it is imperative when seeking professional support that you choose a clinician or therapist who fully understands the need to treat the whole person.
Our clinicians and therapists are fully qualified and well aware of the need to consider all aspects, both physical and mental, that affect each individual we treat. They are very passionate about supporting people in all kinds of different ways.
We recently discussed the topic of treating both physical and mental health together with the team. Watch the video below to learn more:
Meet the team
One of the more positive things to come from 2020 is that it is has brought the discussion around mental health into sharper public focus, and we believe this can only be a good thing. The topic of mental health has been a taboo subject in the past, and now it appears that is finally changing. Let’s not allow that conversation to slow down as the promise of normality returning next year becomes a real possibility.
If you have been considering treatment such as physiotherapy, counselling, CBT or EMDR, now is a good time to get started because we have a limited time special offer available across our services.